Clockworks Approvals allows you to automate complex approval workflows in Airtable. Clockworks Approvals is integrated directly into Airtable using the Airtable API. Once you've set up your Airtable with the Clockworks integration once, you can sit back and watch your workflow run without babysitting the details.
Clockworks Approvals pulls in approval content from Airtable and formats into an Approval Request. We then automatically send out Approval Requests to approvers you specify in Airtable. You can easily change who approves for every Approval Request or add complex logic to set up dynamic approval flows. Clockworks Approvals will manage the approval process for you, sending out emails notifying the requester and approver that a request has been sent and automatically sending out reminders for approvers after a specified (customizable) time has passed. It also allows you to handle common approval loops like having an approver return a request with feedback and allowing a requester to resubmit a request after they've adjusted it based on that feedback.
Create a Clockworks Account
**Nota Bene:** Clockworks is currently in private beta, please [request an invitation](<>) first
Choose a workflow template. Workflow templates define the fields and approval flow at a high level and allow you to customize later.
Create a workflow and connect it to your Airtable Base
Kick back and watch your process roll out, tweak and improve with ease!
An Approval Workflow is the set of steps that you specify with the goal of achieving approval in a process. Clockworks helps you automate your approval workflow by structuring approval content and approval logic in Airtable.
An Approval Request contains all of the approval content (one or more fields in Airtable) and formatted into a webapp hosted by Clockworks.
An example approval request from the Proposals Template
Create a Clockworks Account
**Nota Bene:** Clockworks is currently in private beta, please [request an invitation](<>) first
Choose a workflow template. Workflow templates define the fields and approval flow at a high level and allow you to customize later.
Follow the link for the workflow template you chose to the Airtable Universe template. Clone the Airtable and add it to the workspace of your choice in Airtable
Adjust the Airtable fields to match the workflow you want. Make sure that you are not deleting required fields for the workflow template you chose. Refer to Templates to determine which fields are optional or required.
Go back to sign in, and tap on "Create Approval Workflow" and follow instructions.
Test to make sure that your connection is working.